Meladol CBD supplement Cibdol 30ml


The CBD supplement Meladol from Cibdol ensures a better night’s sleep as it contains melatonin and CBD. Meladol contains the active ingredient CBD and the natural hormone melatonin and is thus a completely natural way to get a better night’s sleep. Unlike pharmaceuticals, Meladol contains natural ingredients against symptoms such as stress and insomnia.

Good for about 600 drops.

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SKU: CDM1x30ml Category: Tags: ,

Composition Meladol CBD supplement Cibdol

  • CBD / CBDa:  0,0025%
  • Number of mg CBD / CBDa: 75mg
  • Number of mg Melatonin: 45mg
  • Vitamine B6: 19,5mg
  • Amount: 1 bottle of 30ml

Percentage CBD


Production method





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